Saturday 14 January 2012

Freezing Weather

Woke up this morning to a severe frost, the water buckets were full of ice and the waterfowl waterbath had frozen over. After getting Luna rugged up and painstakingly giving everyone warm water to drink, I gave out the breakfast rounds.

Everyone seemed ok apart from the youngest, smallest rabbit who did not rush to the food like the other rabbits did and so I picked her up and wrapped her in a blanket. Lucian popped her on a teddy bear and watched over her while I finished the feeding.
Sadly, although the bunny hopped around a bit, she refused food and water. I figured she had not coped with the introduction of a new foodstuff yesterday which was a very small amount of spring greens. I do not know her exact age as she came in with half a dozen other rescues but combined with her small size and the sudden change in weather, I think her young immune system couldn't cope and she sadly passed away, fairly peacefully and at least had chance to come in for the day and be warm. Lucian drew a picture of her and gave it to her to take to heaven.

rest in peace little bunny.

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