Monday 30 July 2012


Well the sun is here at last & Winston and Curly Pig have been spending lots of time looking cute together. They always sunbathe side by side. The other day I saw them both yawning and it was so cute!

Here they are resting in the shade

Saturday 30 June 2012

Lady Amherst Pheasant chicks!

Picked up a little treat from auction. We have been wanting to reintroduce pheasants into our aviaries for a few months now and I have had my peepers open for some Golden Pheasant. However, yesterday I picked up a Light Sussex broody hen with three Lady Amherst Pheasant chicks under!!!

Can't wait to see what they are - hoping there is at least one cock out of the three. Lovely strong chicks so here's hoping they adapt to our chick crumb and thrive with their little chicken foster mum :o)

oh and the price! £25 for the hen and chicks. Bargain!!!

Russian Orloff

We have been lucky enough to acquire a pair of very rare Mahogany coloured Russian Orloff
The mahogany Orloff is said to be the richest coloured breed of chicken in existence.
Will have to get some footage/photos when the weather is dry!

This breed is named after Count Orlov and were first introduced into Britain in 1920 - a bantam version was created by the Germans but the breed remains rare and the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy lists the Orloff as critically endangered.

Very sad. Such a beautiful breed! They look like an eagle crossed with a Malay lol Can't get over the heavily feathered head and neck - this image doesn't do them justice so will add some footage when I can.

Unpredictable Weather of 2012

What a nightmare. All year the poor plants and animals have not known whether they are coming or going with the seasons!

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Metal Detector Pig

Who needs a metal detector when you have a greedy kune kune pig?! One of the pigs was chewing on what sounded like a stone. On asking Jay if they eat stones.. he said he didnt know and went in to swap her for a carrot. It was not a stone but a 1967 one penny coin.

Maybe if she keeps rooting in the same spot she will unearth the whole treasure chest! lol

Goslings on Video

Sunday 17 June 2012

Piggy Video Clips

Hokey & Cokey +3

Well, here are the first shots of Hokey & Cokey's new goslings. Mum is keeping them nice and warm although they have been out for a little explore. Hokey is standing on guard and rarely leaves the opening of the house. He looks very proud, protecting his new brood.

As always when birds hatch - it is amazing to think that a few short hours ago, these little fluffballs were inside an egg!


The goslings are hatching! There are two out so far.. we think she was on 5 eggs but will hopefully find out soon and get some photos of the family.

Mummy Goose is still on the nest and being guarded closely by the gander.

Will update when we can :o)

Lucian and Fly at the field

a very sad loss: Goodbye Wilbur

This morning, after a week of looking past his best, little Wilbur has finally passed away.
Wilbur and Mabel the albino mini lops have been with us for such a long time, free ranging in our side garden. We have always dreaded the day that we lose them because they are such a big part of the smallholding. Some animals just become little icons of the place and Wilbur was one of them.
Our only saving grace was that he had already been separated from his mate about a month ago because Mabel has a tumour and we felt that although the pair had only ever produced a stillborn litter once, it wasn't worth the risk of pregnancy when Mabel is not in perfect health.
So, we are feeling very sad but at least little Mabel has been spared the grief.

Mabel, left and Wilbur, right.

Sunday 3 June 2012

Goodbye Cornelius

Cornelius the billy goat has been rehomed to make way for us to keep little Hugo as a future stud.
Corny is very sadly missed but he is living locally so we will be able to stay in touch with him.

He is being used to clear some land which he will very much enjoy and will also be used for breeding which he would not have had the opportunity of with us as he was a surplus male. So we feel quite sure he will be enjoying his new home and girls!

Saturday 26 May 2012

Piggy Pix

New Kune Kune Pigs!

Today saw the arrival of our first piggies. A breeding sow and her castrated male pal.
We hope to breed the sow and maybe grow on one of her piglets for the freezer. The rest will be available for sale.

It has been a very hot day for the pigs but they have taken the move very much in their stride and are currently sunbathing with Hermione the nanny goat and her kid. The sow has taken to Hermione and they keep touching noses which is very sweet. The male is pretty indifferent and very easy going.

They really enjoyed a good brush with a coarse scrubbing brush earlier!
Here is a little video:

Auction 25/05

Lousy day at auction - I think everyone was enjoying the sun instead!
The chicks made rubbish money and even had to bring a pair of Golden Partridge Pekins home that went unsold.

Never mind.

I did however bring some nice eggs back including Black Pekin, Fresian Fowl, Guinea Fowl, Light & Speckled Sussex and Russian Orloff!

Thursday 24 May 2012

Hatchery Update

We have had a nice hatch of 4 Barred Plymouth Rock, a Buff Plymouth Rock Bantam, 2 Chocolate Orpington Bantams, 4 Rhode Island Red Bantams and 3 Light Sussex Bantams plus 3 Chinese Painted Quail. There are a bunch of eggs due to hatch over the next day or so. Will report back on those and try to get some nice pics.

In the brooders and growing on nicely are 3 Japanese Quail and a number of Silver & Light Sussex.

The oldest batches are all ready and boxed up for auction tomorrow. There are some Pekin Bantams, 2 Pied Jumbo Quail and a Cotswold Legbar. The incubator is pretty empty as I missed auction last week to meet with an officer from Worcestershire Regulatory Services about the possibility of opening the property to the public. Hopefully I will manage to buy about 15 boxes of hatching eggs tomorrow and get the incubator full again!

Random Photos

Some sunny pics from around the smallholding

Lucian on a tractor at Dudley Zoo




Cokey the Goose sitting on a nest of eggs!

Fingers crossed for Goslings :o)


Silkie Cockerel

Rabbit & Owl aviaries

Lionhead Rabbit - kits in the nest!

Mum of our first 2012 baby rabbits (still in the nest)


Saturday 12 May 2012

Mustard in the Bunny Barn

This clip is a bit of fun but on a serious note, shows just how fast a herd of rabbits can obliterate farmer's crops!

We endeavour to grow a large variety of edible plant matter for the animals, but you can see how hard it is to keep up with their voracious appetite for fresh food.


Good day at auction yesterday - I sold all the Buff Orpingtons & Silver Dorkings, plus picked up more Light Sussex & Rhode Island Reds for the incubator.
Also got a bargain - an electric hen for £15 (they retail at £40).

The first lot of Chinese Painted Quail are due to go into the hatcher today so will report back on the hatch early week.

Fox Attack

We have lost Mrs Hen to a fox, along with all of her eggs. Every last one.
Needless to say we are very disappointed as the two free range chickens have survived for a long time by roosting in the stable but we did not know where the hen was laying until it was too late and she was well into incubating her nest. She remained safe under the bridge for 2 weeks before a fox figured out how to get to her.

I just want to say that we don't blame the fox at all. It was probably a vixen with cubs to have returned so many times and take all those eggs. We believe that it is wrong to trap or shoot foxes - it is up to the livestock keeper to protect their animals from predators, which we sadly failed to do on this occassion.

Saturday 5 May 2012

Hatchery Update: May

Today we had a nice hatch of 8 Silver sussex and 6 Light Sussex Bantams

In the incubator we have a lonely Turkey egg, a number of Chinese Painted Quail, more Light Sussex Bantams, Chocolate Orpington Bantam, Lavender Araucana, 30 Cuckoo Pekin, Rhode Island Red Bantams and Plymouth Rocks (Large Fowl & Bantam).

Left in the Brooders are the following:

Buff Orpington & Silver Dorkings all due to go to market on Friday

Various Pekin Bantams plus the 4 Sultans which will stay here. We also plan to add the Lemon Cuckoo Pekins to our pair of hens as one is definitely a cock and we lost our beautiful 'Tik-Tok' last year so hopefully this lad will make a nice replacement for our girls.


and two Khaki Campbells ducklings

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Bouncing Hugo

Hugo's little horns have come through and with them, a devilish personality has appeared.

If I had to describe him in two words they would be 'mischievous' and 'comical'.

He bounces around and butts the poor rabbits. Before Wilbur gets chance to strike back, Hugo has gone! He moves like greased lightening and it is quite funny to watch Wilbur give chase.

I even saw Hugo bounce off at full speed then let out a loud cry for no reason. Hermione looked up and the rabbits tried their best to look innocent. Star the guinea pig is the sensible one. He spends most of his time under the hay enjoying a quiet life.

Pastures New - 2012 Sales Begin

A number of the little chickies have started to be sold now and the silkie pullet, a legbar, maran and 8 light sussex in total have gone off to their new homes.

Plenty of eggs on their way through though so the brooders will not be emptying any time soon!

Sunday 29 April 2012

Horse Wormer

Luna has had an oral dose of Strongid-P

Horrible stuff! Poor Luna

She had some pony nuts to compensate though :o)

Thursday 26 April 2012

Animal Feed

Got asked about what animal feed we use so here it is.
Chudleys for the puppy, Fancy Feeds for the birds and locally produced Pony Nuts, Rabbit & Goat Mix.
What I would say is that the only one we would change if the local saddlery supplied it, would be the goat mix as we would prefer Allen & Page's pygmy goat mix but sadly its not available in our area and way to ineffective cost wise to order over the Internet.
But, that said they do great on the mix produced at Dropping Wells Farm, Bewdley :o)

FF chick crumb & layers pellet. Local goat mix

Local rabbits mix, Chudleys Junior, local pony nuts & specialist waterfowl pellet by Fancy feeds