Tuesday 10 January 2012

The erection of 'Luna's Bridge'

Will add photo or vid here in due course but thought I'd explain our latest little project which was to rebuild an exercise pen for Luna the Shetland Pony. Ike, the cob colt used to live there and we needed to lower the fencing anyway because Ike was already 11 hands and Luna is just 8hh.

Her pen is down a level from the house and is a bit like a pit style enclosure that you look down on, with access to a building 24/7, providing shelter.

We have to take her up and down what was a muddy, slippy path to get her in and out so decided to build a bridge from decking planks and erect post and rail type fencing with handrail on top which double up as part of Luna's fencing. She has a billy goat pen to her rear boundary and the outbuilding containing her stable/ stall acts as a wall then the rest of the fencing is now post and rail style, made from reclaimed wood and which we plan to paint in forest oak. That is the colour we always use so everything matches!

We have so far built one of the aviaries, both goat enclosures and the pony pen out of second hand timber.
One day I am sure we will have shiny new purpose built fences but for now, we are enjoying the rustic look!

One other thing I am quite pleased with is that one of the banks which flanks Luna's pen was quite badly eroded and starting to resemble a cave... well I have taken the opportunity to fill this hole with a muck heap. It is very conveniently placed to put the horse manure on and in time of course, should provide a beautiful, lush grassy bank! Two birds, one stone :o)

I am planning to have some kind of window boxes or hanging baskets along the bridge, out of Luna's reach, where I will grow Lavender. Only because we could do with a pleasant smell to counterbalance the compost heap and the waterfowl LOL

Will get some pics sorted soon.

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