Friday 10 February 2012

Injured ME!

This is going to read like a comedy sketch but honestly, it is how it happened...

I decided to go catch Daisy, spray her injured beak with antiseptic poultry spray then keep her indoors to allow the beak to heal.

So I prepared a cage to put her in, grabbed a towel to catch her with and off I went. Now, you understand that to catch Daisy I have to enter the waterfowl pen which contains two mean, hissing geese. So I throw in a handful of pellet to distract the geese, get inside and try to shut the gate behind me. The ducks hide behind the geese so I decide to grab at Daisy who gives me the slip and both ducks dive into the duckhouse which opens from outside the pen! ok so next I am looking for something to block them in with so they don't just come back out when I go around the back. Best I could find was to tip up the water bath and use the slab of ice in the bottom to go across the doorway. Fine.
Out I go, run around to the back before they escape and land clean on a huge nail which pierces my snow boot, straight into the sole of my foot.
Cursing I lifted the lid/ roof and grabbed Daisy out, wrapping her in the towel and whilst deliberating whether I could manage QuackerJack aswell, the bloody lid came off one hinge and crashed backward. So here I am, duck in arm, trying to manouevre a large, heavy lid back onto the duckhouse so as to keep Jack inside for later!

So I limped to the house, duck in arm and realised how bad her beak was injured. She will survive but her upper beak is permanently damaged. I sprayed the poor thing with purple spray then popped her into the cage. I have not yet dared to take off my boot and check MY injury...

Remind me again why I gave up my office job? LOL

Here she is the poor lass:

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