Thursday 8 March 2012

Goat Shananigans

How dare I feed the animals late!! Shock, horror. Well this is what I did yesterday and guess what Hermione did about it today? She decided to go on a mission to ensure I did not dare be late with her feed bucket ever again!!!

I was in the kitchen preparing said feed buckets and various animal breakfasts when I heard a goat bleeting far too close to home... on inspection it was of course naughty Hermione up at the house! Not only that but Runner was somehow in HER pen with Harry... all part of an elaborate distraction of course.

First of all she somehow busted out of her pen which is constructed of 6 x 6 ft panels of stock fencing PLUS regular wire fencing on the inside seeing as Hermione likes to get her head stuck in fencing. But don't let that fool you.. stupid she is not... after having managed to make a tiny gap in the stock fence she must have squeezed through into the billy pen, leaped over their fence (designed for well behaved goats.. not Miss Hermione) into the pony pen where I believe Luna the pony would have chased her off with a nip and she leaped over the pony fence and came trotting on up to house in search of breakfast.

To break out of an enclosure takes a canny goat - but to break out of THREE in a row must have taken some serious plotting and planning in the goat shed at night. I wondered what that torch and map were doing in there....

I don't know how much she paid him, but as I was trying to lift the great lump and get her back in her enclosure, a buzzard swooped down and had a pop at my poor hen! Just as I ripped my trousers on a screw that was sticking out of the fence.

The moral of the story is, 'animals love their routine' and woe betide you if you have one, and you break it.


The hen was ok, she was clever enough to dive into a bush but I think it was just a baby buzzard practicing his hunting skills as one would not really take a fully grown chicken.

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