Saturday 12 May 2012

Fox Attack

We have lost Mrs Hen to a fox, along with all of her eggs. Every last one.
Needless to say we are very disappointed as the two free range chickens have survived for a long time by roosting in the stable but we did not know where the hen was laying until it was too late and she was well into incubating her nest. She remained safe under the bridge for 2 weeks before a fox figured out how to get to her.

I just want to say that we don't blame the fox at all. It was probably a vixen with cubs to have returned so many times and take all those eggs. We believe that it is wrong to trap or shoot foxes - it is up to the livestock keeper to protect their animals from predators, which we sadly failed to do on this occassion.

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you see it, considering from fox's side too, instead of usual way, kiling the fox.
    Respect :-)
